Friday, July 26, 2013

Breaking Stan & Jack's Record

Fantastic Four #1
by Stan Lee & Jack Kirby
(Marvel Comics, 1961)
(from Now I'll Ask You One with David Branstetter,  4 August 2011)
...a PART of me expected to hear from Stan Lee and/or Jack Kirby congratulating me and Ger for breaking their record no one ever thought would be broken on the Fantastic Four of 102 issues. I THOUGHT that was the kind of field that I was in: like sports, where any time someone is about to break someone else's record, the guy makes an effort to be at the stadium when it happens to offer congratulations or, at the very least, makes a phone call to offer congratulations. In this case, no one even mentioned that we had broken the record.

And that still seems to be the case, seven years after Cerebus came to an end. The reaction to Dave and Ger breaking Stan and Jack's record is that it didn't happen, that basically Cerebus doesn't exist and can be made not to exist if no one says anything about it. So far so good, I'd have to say. My recurring thought since 1987 has been, "You're an INTERESTING bunch, I'll give you that, anyway."

Stan Lee and Jack Kirby collaborated on a total of 108 issues of Marvel Comics' Fantastic Four between 1961 and 1970 (102 regular issues, and 6 annuals that featured original stories) setting the record for a creative team working on consectutive issues of a monthly comic-book. Dave Sim (with Gerhard from #65) published 300 monthly issues of Cerebus between December 1977 and March 2004. Cerebus #102 was published in September 1987.

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