Tuesday, December 18, 2012

High Society Digital #12 - Out Now!

High Society Digital #12 (Cerebus #37, April 1982)
Available from Cerebus Downloads
Out Now! Only 99¢

"How many times have you wondered to yourself -- or out loud -- 'If you could cross a political convention with a comic-book convention, what would that be like?' My best guess is that it would be a lot like PETUNIACON in this very issue of HIGH SOCIETY. Political delegates! Panels! Bribery! Elrod 'bunny' sketches! Cerebus 'tree' sketches! I'm Dave Sim, co-creator of comics' only 6,000-page graphic novel, and I hope I can count on your 99 cents!"

People everywhere agree that HIGH SOCIETY is Award-Winning (Eisner; Harvey; Shuster, Ignatz, Wizard) graphic novelist Dave Sim's greatest and most hilarious work. It regularly gets a 5-star rating on lists of the Greatest Graphic Novels of All Time. In addition to the 20 pages of art and story, you also get everything that was in the original comic book -- Deni's Note from the Publisher, the original ads, the original letters pages, the original back cover and inside back cover.

BONUS! Original documents from the time period from Dave Sim's Cerebus Archive as well as pages from Dave Sim's original Notebooks (where he plotted and designed each issue) accompanied by Sim's own annotations.

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