Sunday, December 2, 2012

Colleen Doran: 'A Distant Soil' Restoration Project

Loss of Negatives:
Our printer went bankrupt and accidentally discarded our complete inventory of negatives of the art for my entire A Distant Soil graphic novel series, nearly 1000 pages of material. While we do have a good deal of the art, restoring the lost pages is taking five months, and the loss of the negatives has cost me over $20,000 in production work. We cannot bring my series back into print without this restoration.

We're deeply in the middle of the restoration now. It is going very well, but the primary concern is funds to pay my assistant, who is doing the bulk of restoration on original art we were unable to recover. In the end, it appears we will be able to restore the vast majority of the series directly from the original art. But the few hundred pages of art that must be restored from copies are quite the challenge. Mr Allan Harvey is handling that job, and he is doing great. I am handling the 700 or so pages of original artwork. 

Original Art Search:
If you purchased A Distant Soil original art, I would be very grateful if you would get in touch with me. I would be especially grateful if you would either scan the art to my specs, or loan me the originals for scanning. I will reimburse you all your expenses, as well as send you a little something nice extra. (At first I thought I only needed pages sold prior to 2008, but some of my early scans are quite poor. So, no matter what you have bought, please let me know.) 

Final Story Arc Due In 2013:
I have twelve issues of new art and story to complete to bring the A Distant Soil series to its finale at Image Comics beginning next year. This is the end run of my epic series, and I’ve got to do it right.  There is a lot of planning to do - financial planning as well as scheduling - and technical work that must be completed on the new editions of the graphic novels.

Please help Colleen Doran complete the 'A Distant Soil' restoration project.

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